Non-Candy Halloween Trick or Treat Ideas {Halloween Candy Alternatives}
I admit that I am a bit of a grump with a post about non-candy Halloween trick or treat ideas but hear me out on this one. There is a new “teal pumpkin” movement where you make sure to have a teal pumpkin on your porch to signify that you have a treat safe for kids with food allergies. There are a lot of really fun things out there that kids love that are NOT candy. With all of the candy that they are going to get on Halloween, you could be a rock star by handing out something that is not just another boring piece of chocolate. Okay maybe I’m going too far. Chocolate is almost never boring, but that is part of the problem. More candy for the kids means I’m going to have more candy to steal from them.
These fake lego mini figures are pretty great for super cheap Halloween option compared to the real thing and kids are guaranteed to love them! These are my favorite option. This is way better than a piece of candy.
These finger lights on amazon are suuuuuuper cheap and kids absolutely looooooove them. This is my favorite option and I bought 3 packs to give away this Halloween!
Speaking of things that glow, what kid won’t love these glow stick bracelets? You can find 8 count packs at the dollar store but you can get about 15 for $1 when you buy glow sticks on amazon here.
Vampire teeth are always fun on Halloween and great non-candy Halloween trick or treat ideas.
Punch balloons are SO FUN and this one is even Halloween themed! My kids (even my 10 year old) absolutely love punch balloons.
Emojis are popular with the kids right now. So these emoji stamps on amazon might be fun to add to our non-candy Halloween trick or treat ideas.
Halloween stamps might be a little more festive than emoji stamps and this set is super cute.
These stretchy neon skeletons are lots of fun. I’m not sure if they are meant to be sling shotted (yes I made up that word) or not.
As I was scrolling through Amazon to look at ideas my 10 year old daughter walked by and said, “oh those bracelets are cool!”. Apparently these coil bracelets didn’t die in the 90’s like I thought they had.
Speaking of things that didn’t die in the 90’s, these slap bracelets would be a huge hit on Halloween.
Halloween bubbles are always a fun option.
I remember loving these jointed snakes as a kid. I felt like a snake charmer.
These mustache whistles are a lot of fun. Mustaches are all the rage right now.
These flashing rings are so fun and the kids love them. Just make sure to have something else for any kids with epilepsy because these are like an instant seizure.
These glow in the dark bugs creep me out but my kids think they are amazing. Anything glow in the dark is fun on Halloween.
These Halloween masks are a lot of fun and festive.
Here’s great Halloween printable to add to the decor in your house. Print this Halloween banner bunting. It only requires that you cut and glue or cut and hang with some cute mini clothespins.
Here’s another great printable for easy Halloween decor. Print this Trick or Treat free printable wall art.
Here’s another free printable that will make for easy Halloween decor. Click here to find the October 31 free printable.
Over 15 Harry Potter party ideas. Throw a party for your Harry Potter fan in the house.
These Harry Potter Hogwarts House Banners DIY would make great Halloween decor!
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We can hold the party without candies. We can give the children some beneficial gift, such as educational items. I hope that the best Halloween party will be blast.