Free Printable: I Love You Because Poster

I Love You Because Printable poster

I Love You Because Poster

This “I Love You Because” poster is a fun alternative to a card. Or you could get a card and frame this and use it as a gift. Or you could always just use this because it is cute. You can write directly on the paper, or you can frame it and write on the glass periodically with erasable markers like these. This would be a fun way to have an ongoing love note in your home.


I think this would also be a fun way to get your kids to be more thoughtful about complimenting other family members. We printed six of these (one for each member of our family) and each wrote something nice about each other. It was a tender family activity.

Another idea would be to write things you love about your kids and hang these on their doors on Valentine’s Day or their birthday.

Visit Brittany @ Paper Trail Design’s profile on Pinterest.

Click the following links to print the I Love You Because Free Printable

For best results, download the image to your computer before printing. I find it easiest to drag and drop the image to my desktop, then print it from there.

Printables from Paper Trail Design are for personal use only.


These Vis a Vis pens from Amazon will work best if you want to write on the glass of a picture frame. These erase better than expo markers which might leave marks if left on the glass long term. But I think dry erase might work just as well.

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I love you because free printable. I love you because poster is a fun way to write valentine love messages back an forth.

5 thoughts on “Free Printable: I Love You Because Poster”

  1. I came across this site while i was hunting for some custom banner . Its really great .
    I hope you can put up some Christian house warming banner , Home Sweet Home etc
    Thank you


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