DIY Guess Who Template Free Printables

DIY Guess Who template free printable to make any version of Guess Who that you’d like.

DIY Guess Who Template free printable. Use these free printable Guess Who templates to make your own personalized Guess Who game of your family.

DIY Guess Who Template

Make your own personalized Guess Who game with your family photos and our free printable Guess Who Template. You could also make a different variation like Harry Potter Guess Who, Lego Figure Guess Who, Star Wars Guess Who, periodic table Guess Who, and… well I think you get the idea.

Items Needed to Make Your Own Guess Who

  1. Cardstock Paper like this from Amazon
  2. Guess Who Game like this one on Amazon
  3. Printer or Print Service
  4. Our digital Guess Who printable templates
  5. Scissors or Paper Cutter

How to Make Your Own Guess Who Boards

  1. Gather enough pictures of people or things to fill the slots of the red board and blue board for your gameboard faces. For most game boards you will need 24 pictures.
  2. Open your Guess Who Game like this one on amazon.and measure the size of the cards that fit into the red board and blue board. My guess who board measured approximately 2.9 cm wide and 3.4 cm tall. You will use this measurement to know what size pictures to add to the template.
  3. Next save the front and back of the Guess Who face cards image (Scroll down to the image find the links). The back side of the card is slightly bigger so that if they don’t line up perfectly when you print them it will be okay.
  4. Add pictures to the front page. You can do this by simply pasting them on or you can edit the image digitally using photoshop or any other photo editing tool. You don’t need anything fancy. Make sure that the pictures measure approximately the size that fit into your board.
  5. Print the pictures on one side of you cardstock and then flip the paper over and print question mark design on the back.
  6. Cut the cards out to the size that fits in your board and insert them into the red and blue boards.

How to Make the Yellow Mystery Person Cards

  1. Save the yellow guess who cards images.
  2. Add the same pictures to the yellow mystery person cards using photoshop or any basic photo editing program. You can also print the pictures and yellow cards seprately and tape or paste the pictures onto the cards.
  3. Print the pictures side of the cards, then flip the page and print the yellow questionmarks on the back side of the paper.
  4. Cut the cards out.

Click the following links to print the Guess Who printables

The Guess Who template printables are patterned after the original 1991 version of Guess Who (found here). I grew up with this classic Guess Who in my house so my family is going to love it when I give them this for Christmas!

guess-who-back-page-2 guess-who-front-page

guess-who-cards-back-blue-page guess-who-blue-blank guess-who-cards-back-red guess-who-red-blank

For best results, save the image to your computer before printing. I find it easiest to drag and drop the image to my desktop.

Printables from Paper Trail Design are for personal use only. For more information on use of our printables see our copyright policy here.

How to Play Guess Who

  1. Each player pick a board to use. One player will use the red board and the other player will use the blue board.
  2. Turn all of the yellow mystery person cards face down and mix them up. Each player select a mystery person card. Do not let your opponent see the mystery person card. You will no systematically try to figure out who your opponents mystery person is.
  3. The first player will ask their opponent a yes or no quesiton about their mystery person. Common questions are:
    Does your person have brown eyes?
    Does your person have red hair?
    Is your person wearing glasses?
    Is your person wearing a hat?
  4. Once the question is answered the player flips down the people on the board that the question has revealed cannot be the mystery person. For example: Does your person have a mustache? No. The player then would flip down all of the players with a mustache.
  5. Players alternate turns asking questions and answering questions about their opponents mystery person card.
  6. When one player has narrowed down their possible answers to a small number of people, they can use their turn to guess the opponents mystery person.
  7. The first person to use their turn to guess the opponent’s card correctly is the winner.


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DIY guess who template pages to help you make your own Guess Who game with text overlay- free pritntable Guess Who template Personalized DIY guess who game with your own pictures with text overlay- free printable DIY guess who Guess who personalized DIY game with text overlay- free printable DIY guess who template  guess who format templates with text overlay- free printable make your own guess who

29 thoughts on “DIY Guess Who Template Free Printables”

  1. What a fantastic idea with the DIY Guess Who Template! It’s perfect for family game nights, especially when paired with classics like Cookie Clicker for some fun variety!

  2. SERIOUSLY?!?! I’m in love!! My kids have messed up a few of the cards so now we can still play and replace with some new fun faces!! <3 You're amazing!

  3. This is such a great idea!! And I am so glad I found this!! My boyfriend is a huge soccer fan and I plan to make a soccer-themed game for him for Christmas:)
    I have a few questions though, did you measure the pictures themselves as being 2.9×3.4, or the entire blue/red card? And also, did you laminate your pictures or anything? Or does regular printer paper not get ruined after a few uses?
    Thank you again for posting! Time for me to get started 🙂


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