Printable Christmas Gift Card Holders for Amazon

Print these fun Christmas Amazon gift card holders for a fun Christmas card for a teacher.

Printable Amazon Christmas gift card holders with text overlay- free printable Amazon Christmas card

 Printable Christmas Gift Card Holders for Amazon

It is the first week of school and I am already excited to give my kids’ teachers these printable Christmas gift card holders with an amazon gift card attached. I created these amazon teacher appreciation cards earlier this year and they have become one of my most popular printables to date. So I figured it would be fun to make you all a fun Christmas version of the amazon card holder to print.

Amazon gift cards have got to be one of the biggest crowd pleasers so these make a perfect gift. I don’t know a single person who doesn’t buy stuff on amazon all the time. Using a printable Christmas gift card holder makes it a little more fun.

You can order an amazon gift card here with free shipping in amounts as low as $10 depending on the card. If you don’t have enough time to wait for a plastic card in the mail (procrastinators unite!) you can print an amazon gift card from here, or you can email an amazon gift card from here. The printable and email gift cards can be in denominations as low as $.50. Although I wonder how many people have used the $.50 option. That seems like a weird amount for a gift card.

Use the following links to print the printable Christmas gift card holders free printable

Christmas Gift Card Holders for Amazon. Print these free printable flannel Christmas print cards to go with amazon gift cards. these make a great teacher gift for Christmas.

Thanks for being an amazing teacher Christmas free printable

Teacher printable (2 on page)

Christmas Gift Card Holders for Amazon. Print these free printable flannel Christmas print cards to go with amazon gift cards. these make a great teacher gift for Christmas.

Have an amazing Christmas free printable

Amazing Christmas (2 on page)


Thanks for being amazing Christmas free printable

Thanks for being amazing (2 on page)

For best results, save the image to your computer before printing. I find it easiest to drag and drop the image to my desktop.

Printables from Paper Trail Design are for personal use only.

Order Amazon Gift Cards


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Visit Brittany @ Paper Trail Design’s profile on Pinterest.

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31 thoughts on “Printable Christmas Gift Card Holders for Amazon”

  1. Free amazon gift card codes, You can easily win amazon gift cards without human verification. If you have completed some process then you can win an amazon gift card totally free.

  2. Is there any way you could make one that says “Thanks for being an amazing mother.” Or make it like the teacher appreciation one but leave the dotted line blank?

    • You could use the “Thanks for being amazing” option and write in “an” and “mother” with a sharpie or use to edit it.

  3. This card is going to save me because I somehow left our miracle of a babysitter off my gift list!!

    However, when I click to print on it, my image comes up huge. Printed it takes up most of the 8.5 x 11 paper I printed on. Is there a good program I can resize it in or am I printing wrong? I clicked your link, it opened in a new tab, I clicked to print, then I opened in preview as a pdf…

  4. When I click the “Thanks for Being Amazing” card, the only thing that pops up is the “Have an Amazing Christmas” card. Could you send me the correct file?

    • Hi Liz. I can’t believe that has been linking wrong this whole time! I fixed the links to got to the right card. Thank you so much for telling me. I wonder how many people have been frustrated with that.


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