First Day of School Sign Free Printable

First day of school sign free printables for back to school pictures from preschool to 12th grade.
First day of school signs including preschool, kindergarten, first grade, fourth grade, eighth grade and senior year of high school with text overlay-free printable first day signs

First Day of School Sign Free Printable

These first day of school sign free printable pages are so fun for back to school for your kids this school year. The best part about it is that it only takes a few seconds to click on the sign and print it for your back to school DIY photo op. You can find more first day of school signs here. Am I the only one that never seems to have them looking 100% even on the first day of school? One year my daughter had red puffy crying eyes in the pictures because I was hurriedly trying make her hair look decent and managed to pull about half of it out in the process. Oh back to school, you get me every time. But now you can print our nifty free printable signs and pull together cute first day of school photos in a few seconds. Or if you are one of those “I have my act together” moms (or dads) you could do something crazy like print this the night before and have it ready. We have signs for preschool, kindergarten, middle school, and high school and a blank option to fill in what you need. You can find the frame we use for back to school pictures on Amazon here.

Last day of school signs from preschool, kindergarten, and first grade to middle and high school with text overlay- free printable last day of school signs

We just finished designing matching Last Day of School signs here! Go check it out and scroll down to the bottom of the page to use the pin it button so you can find it at the end of the year.

Free Printable First Day of School Signs

Printables from Paper Trail Design are for personal use only.


I really like this cardstock paper on amazon. It has a good thickness for these projects without being so thick that it jams the printer.

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Last day of school signs from preschool, kindergarten, and first grade to middle and high school with text overlay- free printable last day of school signs

We just finished designing matching Last Day of School signs here! Go check it out and scroll down to the bottom of the page to use the pin it button so you can find it at the end of the year.

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Find more free first day of school printables  to print for your first day of school pictures.

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Use these I Spy back to school pages for a fun activity on your first day of school.

Visit Brittany @ Paper Trail Design’s profile on Pinterest.


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Boy holding first day of fifth grade sign with text overlay- free printable first day of school signs Kid holding first day of third grade sign for first day of school picture with text overlay- free printable first day signs Girl holding first day of sixth grade sign with text overlay- free printable first day of school signs

32 thoughts on “First Day of School Sign Free Printable”

  1. These first day of school signs are such a great idea! I love how quick and easy they are to print—perfect for those busy mornings! Your story made me chuckle; we’ve all had those chaotic school photo moments. It’s nice to have a solution that makes back-to-school a little less stressful. Thanks for sharing these fun printables; I can’t wait to use them for my kids’ photos!

  2. These have been my go-to for years! Now with my eldest moving to secondary, I was wondering if you there were any done for grades 9-12? (We don’t do freshman, junior, sophomore, or senior where we live!) Thanks for an amazing product!

    • I was coming here to request same thing! I love these printables but want to stick to the same format this year – so I second the request for grades 9-12 if at all possible – please…

  3. I have used your First and Last Day of School signs for years. Thank you so much for offering these for free. These are always my favorite!

  4. Love these! I tried to follow the link to edit them myself but I didn’t quite find it. Can you perhaps tell me the font you use for “kindergarten” so I can create some myself – I want to make a Junior Kindergarten and a Senior Kindergarten one. Thanks!

  5. I would love to download one that I can edit myself, but when I click on the link it says to to”learn how to edit yourself” it just takes me to the last day of school section. What do I do to get the edit yourself version? Thankyou, these are awesome images!

  6. Thank you!! I panicked because my kid is starting preschool tomorrow and I hadn’t figured out a first day of school picture! I had a frame handy and used your print out. 🙂

    • Awesome Meghan! I’m so glad it helped. It’s funny I designed these over a month ago and I still didn’t print them until last night right before bed. I’m glad it was easy!

    • I just checked each image and they are all loading for me. Do you mean the image is printing smaller on half of the page? My printer does that sometimes. Try changing your orientation on the print info page to landscape instead of portrait. Or if that doesn’t work, download the image to your desktop and then print from there. That always works for me.

  7. Thank you so much for sharing your artwork! These are wonderful and I love that you include high school too! Saves me a lot of time and agony trying to create my own. Happy First Day!

    • Thank you for saying so! I was worried that nobody would care about the high school ones! But I have seen my friends with older kids post pictures with cute signs occasionally so I threw it in there.


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